Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Celebrating the finish with the dolphins!

Finish at Cap Griz Nez, France
(10 hours, 43 minutes)

Flipper joins in the celebration!


Unknown said...

Well done Brent.
looked like it was an awesome journey.

Rob Dyke

Avila Rhodes said...

WOW Brent - you did it!
I just happened to be home listening to the CBC as you were being interviewed. It was so great to hear about your experience. I am spreading the word in the BC Masters Swimming Community.
Congratulations on your amazing swim!
all the best
Avila Rhodes

Hoffy Swims said...

Rob - awsome job and time swimming the channel. Welcome to the club! The dolphin photo is awsome. I have never seen dolphins in the channel or the harbour. You had a fantastic day. Two-way next?